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At Paleo Park we offer the famous 'two hour tour". On the tour we start out at the Paleo Park Lodge. Here, we go over an overview of what all has been found on the Ranch. We have several specimens on display to see what the ranch has shared with us. From there we journey to the track way. Our track way is a great display of late Cretaceous dinosaurs and how they all lived together. There have been numerous different tracks identified in the track way. Your mind will start getting excited. From there we go to the micro site where we will finish up the tour by prospecting for our treasures. I assure you, you won't want to leave. The micro site is a tad won't be able to get enough. The prices for a two-hour tour are listed below. Tours are reservation only. The tour window opens on June 1st and usually shuts down in the middle of August. Longer stays at the lodge are available as well. Please contact us for availability and cost on staying at the lodge.
Adults - $40.00
Kids(age 8-13) - $20.00
Kids(age 7 and under) - free